




1st Photometer NOVA 30 A 多参数水质测试仪
1st Photometer NOVA 60 多参数水质测试仪
1st Photometer NOVA 60 A 多参数水质测试仪
1st Case for Spectroquant Photometer NOVA 30 and NOVA 60 多参数水质测试仪箱
1st Spectrophotometer NOVA 400 多参数水质测试仪
1st Thermoreactor TR 320 12 holes 加热消解炉
1st Thermoreactor TR 420 24 holes 加热消解炉
1st Thermoreactor TR 620 2×12 holes in 2 heating zones.加热消解炉
1st 多参数水质测试仪应用软件
1st PC cable for photometers NOVA 30,NOVA 60,NOVA 400,SQ 200,and SQ 300 多参数水质测试仪数据电缆
1st Rectangular cells 10 mm 方形比色皿
1st Rectangular cells 20 mm 方形比色皿
1st Rectangular cells 50 mm 方形比色皿
1st Empty cells with screw caps,25 pcs 空比色管
1st Microwave Digestion Unit MW 520 微波消解炉
1st 消解基本配件
1st Digestion vessel 30 ml 消解槽
1st Rack for turn-table to hold a maximum of six digestion vessels for MW 520 消解槽架
1st Collection vessel 500 ml for turn-table rack for MW 520 incl.lid and connections 消解槽
1st 裂解包10C 用于消解铅,镉,铁,铜,镍,总磷,锌,25次
1st 裂解包10 用于消解铅,镉,铁,铜,镍,总磷,锌,100次
1st 裂解包20用于消解总氮
1st 酒精测试管0.40-5.00 g/l Alc,0.051-0.633 Vol-% Alc 25 Tests
1st 铝测试包0.020-1.20 mg/l 350 Tests
1st 铵测试管0.010-2.000 mg/l NH4-N,0.01-2.58 mg/l NH4+ 25 Tests 
1st 铵测试管4.0-80.0 mg/l NH4-N,5.2-103.0 mg/l NH4+ 25 Tests
1st 铵测试管0.20-8.00 mg/l NH4-N,0.26-10.30 mg/l NH4+ 25 Tests
1st 铵测试管0.5-16.0 mg/l NH4-N,0.6-20.6 mg/l NH4+ 25 Tests
1st 铵测试包2.0-150 mg/l NH4-N,2.6-193 mg/l NH4+ 96 Tests
1st 铵测试包0.010-3.00 mg/l NH4-N,0.010-3.86 mg/l NH4+ 500 Tests
1st 除草剂残留测试管0.05-2.50 mg/l 25 Tests
1st 除草剂残留富集包
1st 除草剂残留测试样品制备包 25 Tests
1st 测试管0.5-3000 mg/l 50 Tests
1st BOD营养盐混合剂 for 12×1l nutrient-salt solution
1st BOD标准for 10×1l standard solution 210±20mg/l
1st 硼测试管0.05-2.00 mg/l B 25 Tests
1st 硼测试包0.050-0.800 mg/l B 60 Tests
1st 溴测试包0.020-7.50 mg/l Br2 150 Tests
1st 镉测试管0.025-1.000 mg/l Cd 25 Tests
1st 钙测试管10-250 mg/l Ca,14-350 mg/l CaO,25-624 mg/l CaCO3 25 Tests
1st 钙测试包5-160 mg/l Ca,7-224 mg/l CaO,13-400 mg/l CaCO3 90 Tests
1st 氯根测试包 5-125 mg/l 25 Tests
1st 氯根测试包 2.5-250 mg/l 50 Tests
1st 氯根测试包 1.0-150.0 mg/l Cl-150 Tests
1st 氯测试管(余氯和总氯)0.05-7.50 mg/l Cl2 75 Tests each
1st 氯测试管(余氯)0.05-7.50 mg/l Cl2 150 Tests
1st 二氧化氯测试包 0.020-7.50 mg/l ClO2 150 Tests
1st 二氧化氯/氯/臭氧测试包0.020-5.00mg/l ClO2,0.010-5.00mg/l Cl2,0.010-5.00mg/l O3 50 Tests
1st 游泳池中氯测试包0.05-5.0 mg/l 700 Tests
1st 氯测试包(余氯和总氯)0.010-7.50 mg/l Cl2 75 Tests each
1st 氯测试包(余氯)0.010-7.50 mg/l Cl2
1st 氯测试包(1.14826.0001的补充包)0.010-7.50 mg/l Cl2 400tests each
1st 氯测试包(总氯)0.010-7.50 mg/l Cl2 150 Tests
1st 铬酸盐测试管0.05-2.00mg/l Cr,0.11-4.46mg/l CrO4 25 Tests
1st 铬酸盐测试包(1.14756.0001的补充包)0.010-3.00 mg/l Cr, 0.02-6.69mg/l CrO4 650 Tests 
1st COD 测试管(不含汞)100-1500mg/l 25 Tests
1st COD 测试管(不含汞)10-150mg/l 25 Tests
1st COD 测试管 15-300mg/l 25 Tests
1st COD 测试管 300-3500mg/l 25 Tests
1st COD 测试管 50-500mg/l 25 Tests
1st COD 测试管 4.0-40.0mg/l 25 Tests
1st COD 测试管 500-10000mg/l 25 Tests
1st COD 测试管 25-1500mg/l 25 Tests
1st COD 测试管 10-150mg/l 25 Tests
1st 铝,铅,铬,镍,锌测试检验包(多参数标准)-40
1st 铵,氯根,CSB,硝酸盐,磷,硫酸盐测试检验包(多参数标准)-10
1st 铵,氯根,CSB,硝酸盐,磷,硫酸盐测试检验包(多参数标准)-20
1st 铵,CSB,氮测试检验包(多参数标准)-50
1st 铵,CSB,氮测试检验包(多参数标准)-70
1st 镉,铁,铜,锰测试检验包(多参数标准)-30
1st 氯根,CSB测试检验包(多参数标准)-60
1st 硝酸盐,CSB,磷测试检验包(多参数标准)-80
1st 铜测试管0.05-8.00 mg/l Cu 25 Tests
1st 铜测试包0.02-6.00 mg/l Cu 200 Tests
1st 氰化物测试管0.010-0.500mg/l CN 25 Tests
1st 氰化物测试包0.002-0.500mg/l CN 100 Tests
1st 氰化物测试包0.002-0.500mg/l CN 200 Tests
1st 氟化物测试管0.10-1.50mg/l F? 25 Tests
1st 氟化物测试包0.10-20.0mg/l 110 Tests
1st 甲醛测试管0.10-8.00mg/l HCHO 25 Tests
1st 甲醛测试包0.02-8.00mg/l HCHO 100 Tests
1st 金测试包0.5-12.0mg/l Au 80 Tests
1st 肼测试包0.005-2.00mg/l N2H4 80 Tests
1st 过氧化氢测试管2.0-20.0mg/l H2O2 25 Tests
1st 碘测试包0.020-7.50mg/l l2 150 Tests
1st 铁测试管1.0-50.0mg/l Fe 25 Tests
1st 铁测试管0.05-4.00mg/l Fe 25 Tests
1st 铁测试包0.010-5.00mg/l Fe 150 Tests
1st 铁测试包0.005-5.00mg/l Fe 1000 Tests
1st 铅测试管0.10-5.00mg/l Pb 25 Tests
1st 铅测试包0.010-5.00mg/l Pb 50 Tests
1st 镁测试管5.0-50.0mg/l Mg 25 Tests
1st 镁测试管5.0-75.0mg/l Mg 25 Tests
1st 锰测试管0.10-5.00mg/l Mn 25 Tests
1st 锰测试包0.010-10.0mg/l Mn 450 Tests
1st 钼测试管0.02-1.00mg/l Mo 25 Tests
1st 镍测试管0.10-6.00mg/l Ni 25 Tests
1st 镍测试包0.02-5.00mg/l Ni 960 Tests
1st 海水中硝酸盐测试管0.10-3.00mg/l NO3-N,0.4-13.3mg/l NO3- 25 Tests
1st 硝酸盐测试管0.5-25.0mg/l NO3-N,2.2-110.7mg/l NO3- 25 Tests
1st 硝酸盐测试管0.5-18.0mg/l NO3-N,2.2-79.7mg/l NO3- 25 Tests
1st 硝酸盐测试管1.0-50.0mg/l NO3-N,4-221mg/l NO3- 25 Tests
1st 硝酸盐测试管23-225mg/l NO3-N,102-996mg/l NO3- 25 Tests
1st 海水中硝酸盐测试包0.2-17.0mg/l NO3-N,0.9-75.3mg/l NO3?50 Tests
1st 硝酸盐测试包0.20-20.0mg/l NO3-N,0.9-88.5mg/l NO3- 90 Tests
1st 硝酸盐测试包0.10-25.0mg/l NO3-N,0.4-110.7mg/l NO3- 90 Tests
1st 亚硝酸盐测试管0.010-0.700mg/l NO2-N,0.03-2.30mg/l NO2?25 Tests
1st 亚硝酸盐测试包0.005-1.00mg/l NO2-N,0.016-3.28mg/l NO2- 400 Tests
1st 总氮测试管0.5-15.0mg/l N 25 Tests
1st 总氮测试管10-150mg/l N 25 Tests
1st 总氮测试管0.5-15.0mg/l N 25 Tests
1st 溶解氧测试管0.5-12.0mg/l O2 25 Tests
1st 臭氧测试包0.010-7.50mg/l O3 150 Tests
1st 酚测试管0.10-2.50mg/l 25 Tests
1st 磷酸盐测试管0.5-25.0mg/l PO4-P,1.5-76.7mg/l PO4-1.1-57.3mg/l P2O5 25 Tests
1st 磷酸盐测试管0.05-5.00mg/l PO4-P,0.2-15.3mg/l PO4-0.11-11.46mg/l P2O5 25 Tests
1st 磷酸盐测试管3.0-100.0mg/l PO4-P,9-307mg/l PO4-7-229mg/l P2O5 25 Tests
1st 磷酸盐测试管0.5-25.0mg/l PO4-P,1.5-76.7mg/l PO4-1.1-57.3mg/l P2O5 25 Tests
1st 磷酸盐测试包0.010-5.00mg/l PO4-P,0.03-15.3mg/l PO4-0.02-11.46mg/l P2O5 420 Tests
1st 磷酸盐测试包1.0-100.0mg/l PO4-P,3-307mg/l PO4-,2-229mg/l P2O5 100 Tests
1st 磷酸盐测试包0.5-30.0mg/l PO4-P,1.5-92.0mg/l PO4-,1.1-68.7mg/l P2O5 400 Tests
1st 仪器检验包
1st 移液器容量检验溶液
1st 钾测试管5.0-50.0mg/l K 25 Tests
1st 钾测试管30-300mg/l K 25 Tests
1st 残留硬度测试管0.50-5.00mg/l Ca,0.070-0.700º d,0.087-0.874º e,0.12-1.25º f,0.70-7.00 CaO,1.2-12.5mg/l CaCO3 25 Tests
1st 硅酸盐(硅酸)测试包0.5-500mg/l Si,1.1-1070mg/l SiO2 100 Tests
1st 硅酸盐(硅酸)测试包0.005-5.00mg/l Si,0.01-10.70mg/l SiO2 300 Tests
1st 银测试管0.25-3.00mg/l Ag 100 Tests 
1st 钠测试管10-300mg/l Na 25 Tests
1st 演示包
1st 硫酸盐测试管100-1000mg/l SO42- 25 Tests 
1st 硫酸盐测试管5-250mg/l SO42- 25 Tests
1st 硫酸盐测试管50-500mg/l SO42- 25 Tests
1st 硫酸盐测试包25-300mg/l SO42- 180 Tests
1st 硫化物测试包0.020-1.50mg/l S2- 420 Tests
1st 亚硫酸盐测试管1.0-20.0mg/l SO32- 25 Tests
1st 表面活性剂测试管 0.05-2.00mg/l MBAS 25 Tests
1st 锡测试管0.10-2.50mg/l Sn 25 Tests
1st 总有机碳消解用盖子
1st 总有机碳测试管5.0-80.0mg/l 25 Tests
1st 总硬度测试管5-150mg/l Ca,0.7-21.0º d,0.9-26.2º e,1.3-37.5º f,7-210mg/l CaO,13-375mg/l CaCO3,5-50mg/l Mg 25 Tests
1st 总硬度测试管5-215mg/l Ca,0.7-30.1º d,0.9-37.6º e,1.2-53.7º f,7-301mg/l CaO,12-537mg/l CaCO3 25 Tests
1st 锌测试管0.20-5.00mg/l Zn 25 Tests 
1st 锌测试包0.05-2.50mg/l Zn 90 Tests


LB/XWW 2003.11.19    

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电话:(010)5166608462980532/3/4/5、62985954、62981252  Email: binzhang@midwest.com.cn;zxqc92003@yahoo.com.cn