M49-滴定管系列  订货号:
Order  N .O Product  Name 品名 PACK 包装
RB10002 Burette lenths, SLBERBRANK PK2
class B, AR-GLAS,25ml Subdicison 0.1ml
RB10004 Burette lengths, SLBERBRAND, PK2
classB, AR-GLAS,50ml,Subdivison 0.1ml
BR11800 PTFE stopcock, complete with PP tip PK1


OrderN,O Product Name品名 PACK包装
BR12013 Burettes,classB,with Schellbach stripe PK2
straight interchangeable glss stopcock,10ml0.05ml
BR12016 Burettes,classB,with Schellbach stripe PK2
straight interchangeable glss stopcock,25ml0.1ml
BR12018 Burettes,classB,with Schellbach stripe PK2
straight interchangeable glss stopcock,50ml0.1ml


OrderN,O Product Name品名 PACK包装  
BR22083 Burettes, class B, withoua Schellbach stripe. PK2
straighe needle- valve stopcosk ,10ml 0.02ml
BR12086 Burettes, class B, withoua Schellbach stripe. PK2
straighe needle- valve stopcosk ,25ml 0.05ml
BR12088 Burettes, class B, withoua Schellbach stripe. PK2
straighe needle- valve stopcosk ,50ml 0.1ml
BR12093 Burettes, class B, withoua Schellbach stripe. PK2
straighe needle- valve stopcosk ,10ml 0.02ml
BR12096 Burettes, class B, withoua Schellbach stripe. PK2
straighe needle- valve stopcosk ,25ml 0.05ml
BR12098 Burettes, class B, withoua Schellbach stripe. PK2
straighe needle- valve stopcosk ,50ml 0.1ml


OrderN,O Product Name品名 PACK包装  
BR12464 Burettes, class AS, with Schellbach tripe PK2
straight interchangeable glass stopcock, 10ml 0.02ml
BR12467 Burettes, class AS, with Schellbach tripe PK2
straight interchangeable glass stopcock, 25ml 0.05ml
BR12468 Burettes, class AS, with Schellbach tripe PK2
straight interchangeable glass stopcock, 50ml 0.1ml
BR12484 Burettes, class AS, with Schellbach tripe PK2
straighe needle- valve stopcosk ,10ml 0.02ml
BR12487 Burettes, class AS, with Schellbach tripe PK2
straighe needle- valve stopcosk ,25ml 0.05ml
BR12488 Burettes, class AS, with Schellbach tripe PK2
straighe needle- valve stopcosk ,50ml 0.1ml
OrderN,O Product Name品名 PACK包装  
BR13844 Burettes, class AS, with Schellbach tripe PK2
straighe needle- valve stopcosk ,10ml 0.02ml
BR13847 Burettes, class AS, with Schellbach tripe PK2
straighe needle- valve stopcosk ,25ml 0.05ml
BR13848 Burettes, class AS, with Schellbach tripe PK2
straighe needle- valve stopcosk ,50ml 0.1ml
BR13884 Burettes, class AS, with Schellbach tripe PK2
straight interchangeable glass stopcock, 10ml 0.02ml
BR13887 Burettes, class AS, with Schellbach tripe PK2
straight interchangeable glass stopcock, 25ml 0.05ml
BR13888 Burettes, class AS, with Schellbach tripe PK2
straight interchangeable glass stopcock, 50ml 0.1ml
OrderN,O Product Name品名 PACK包装  
BR13532 Burttes ,straight interchangeable,glass stopcock, amber,glass,25ml,0.1ml PK2
BR13534 Burttes ,straight interchangeable,glass stopcock, amber,glass,50ml,0.1ml PK2
BR13536 Burettes straight interchangeable, PTFE stopcock, amber,glass,50ml,0.1ml PK2
BR13538 Burettes straight interchangeable, PTFE stopcock, amber,glass,50ml,0.1ml PK2
OrderN,O Product Name品名 PACK包装  
BR12052 Burettea, lateral glass stopcock, amber glass ,25ml, 0.1ml PK2
BR12052 Burettea, lateral glass stopcock, amber glass ,50ml, 0.1ml PK2
BR12052 Burettea, lateral PTFE  stopcock, amber glass ,25ml, 0.1ml PK2
BR12052 Burettea, lateral PTFE  stopcock, amber glass ,50ml, 0.1ml PK2

地址:北京·海淀·上地·科贸大厦304室 (100085)   传真: (010)62981256   手机:13311255776  13311251361
电话:(010)51666084、82782460/1/2/3/4、62980532/3/4/5 、62985954、62981252、Email: binzhang@midwest.com.cn;zxqc92003@yahoo.com.cn