M49-滴定装置系列  订货号:
Order N,O Product   Name 品名 PACK包装
BR22524 Automatic burettes,class AS,with Schellbach stripe,without intermediate


stopcock with needle-valve stopcock with bottle,10ml 0.02ml
BR22528 Automatic burettes,class AS,with Schellbach stripe,without intermediate


stopcock with needle-valve stopcock with bottle ,25ml 0.05ml
BR22530 Automatic burettes,class AS,with Schellbach stripe,without intermediate


stopcock with needle-valve stopcock with bottle ,50ml   0.1ml
BR22734 Automatic burettes,class AS,with Schellbach stripe,without intermediate PK1
stopcock,with interchangeable glass stopcock, with bottle,10ml  0.02ml
BR22737 Automatic burettes,class AS,with Schellbach stripe,without intermediate PK1
stopcock,with interchangeable glass stopcock, with bottle,25ml  0.05ml
BR22738 Automatic burettes,class AS,with Schellbach stripe,without intermediate PK1
stopcock,with interchangeable glass stopcock, with bottle,50ml  0.1ml
BR22764 Automatic burettes,class AS,with Schellbach stripe,without intermediate PK1
stopcock, with needle-valve stopcock ,with bottle ,25ml,  0.05ml
BR22767 Automatic burettes,class AS,with Schellbach stripe,without intermediate PK1
stopcock, with needle-valve stopcock ,with bottle ,25ml,  0.05ml
BR22768 Automatic burettes,class AS,with Schellbach stripe,without intermediate PK1
stopcock, with needle-valve stopcock ,with bottle ,50ml, 0.1ml



Order N,O Product   Name 品名 PACK包装  
BR22312 Automatic burettes, without intermediate stopcock with pk1
interchangeable PTFE stopcock amber glass with bottle 25ml,0.1ml
BR22314 Automatic burettes, without intermediate stopcock with
interchangeable PTFE stopcock amber glass with bottle 25ml,0.1ml
BR22302 Automatic burettes, without intermediate stopcock with PK1
interchangeable glass stopcock amber glass with bottle 25ml,0.1ml
BR22304 Automatic burettes, without intermediate stopcock with PK1
interchangeable glass stopcock amber glass with bottle 50ml,0.1ml
BR22332 Automatic burettes, with intermediate stopcock with PK1
interchangeable PTFE stopcock amber glass with bottle 25ml,0.1ml
BR22334 Automatic burettes, with intermediate stopcock with PK1
interchangeable PTFE stopcock amber glass with bottle 50ml,0.1ml
BR22322 Automatic burettes, with intermediate stopcock with PK1
interchangeable glass stopcock amber glass with bottle 25ml,0.1ml
BR22324 Automatic burettes, with intermediate stopcock with PK1
interchangeable glass stopcock amber glass with bottle 50ml,0.1ml



Order N,O Product   Name 品名 PACK包装
BR23753 Automatic burette, Dr, Schilling pattern, class B PK1
with Schellbach stripe, with bottle,10ml, 0.05ml
BR23755 Automatic burette, Dr, Schilling pattern, class B PK1
with Schellbach stripe, with bottle,15ml, 0.1ml
BR23756 Automatic burette, Dr, Schilling pattern, class B PK1
with Schellbach stripe, with bottle,25ml, 0.1ml
BR23758 Automatic burette, Dr, Schilling pattern, class B PK1
with Schellbach stripe, with bottle,20ml, 0.1ml


地址:北京·海淀·上地·科贸大厦304室 (100085)   传真: (010)62981256   手机:13311255776  13311251361
电话:(010)51666084、82782460/1/2/3/4、62980532/3/4/5 、62985954、62981252、Email: binzhang@midwest.com.cn;zxqc92003@yahoo.com.cn