BY4-Model KDY Continuous Radon Monitor





        BY4-KDY-I型                     BY4-KDY-III型


The KDY is new type of the passive radon monitor.It is mainly used for the environment protection and radiation protection the measurement of radon concentration in citizen's homes,the monitoring and alarming of radon gas in underground buildings or sites,the measurement of radon in the soil et al.

This KDY radon moniter has been obiatned the certificate of metrology identification empowered by the National Technology suporvision Bureau and it is the patent product of the People's Republic of China.The patent ZLO1258844.X.




Wide measuring range.1-99999Bq/m3.

Fast response time.5,10,15,20,30,60 min abjustable.

High sensitivity. The mintmam detectablc concentration is 6Bq/m3 (95%confidence level).

Good long time stability.The long time stability after contnuous operation for 200 hours is batter than 2%

Portable convenience. Dimention φ170×200.Weight 1.0kg.

No noises,Longevity.

Automatcd compensation capability resisting the humidity effeot.

Amibient temperature,-5℃to+40℃.

Power supply,AC220V 50HZ or DC12V



WXR/SLJ 04.01.07  




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