S165 DATAMATE Mass Flow Computer



The DATAMATE 2100 Mass Flow Computer interfaces with the entire family of Neptune Coriolis mass flowmeter transducers. The microprocessor-based DATAMATE is configurable in the field. You can change the units of measure, output ranges and alarms by simply pressing a few keys on the front panel designed for the batch control market. Versatility and intelligence make the DATAMATE the most cost-effective mass flow computer, complementing the accuracy of the Neptune transducers.

Measures mass flow rate and total mass, density, temperature, standard and actual volumetric flow rate and total volume, percent solids (concentration) and solids mass flow rate and total


Liquids: wines, distilled and blended liquors, bottled and canned soft drinks, resins, propionic acid, fructose, solvents, rhodimet, calcium chloride, sugar, grape juice, ethyl acetate, molasses, edible beef tallow, tomato puree, animal fat, hydrogenated soybean oil, mineral spirits, water, waste oil, oil, latex, acetonitrile, cream, aquaeous ammonia, slurry, toluene, oleum, glycol-water, pulverized asphalt flakes, varnish, waste water, methanol, sodium hydroxide and milk whey.


  • Oil and gas production

  • Pharmaceutical

  • Cosmetics

  • Food and beverage

  • Agricultural chemicals and pesticides

  • Paint and coatings

  • Perfume

  • Adhesives

Application examples:

  • Batching of multiple fluids through one meter

  • mobile transfer of abrasive paint slurry

  • stand alone explosion proof batching

  • on the fly mixing

  • separating immiscible fluids by density cut

  • rapid transfer with two stage shut-off

  • propane and butane distribution terminal

  • LPGas in distribution terminal

  • mobile distribution of multiple products

Datamate 2100 Mass Flow Computer


  • Preset (two stage) batch control functions

  • Weights and Measures approved in US and Canada with Neptune Mass Flow transducers

  • RS-422 communications

  • Four user-programmable alarms with high and low output for each

  • Diagnostic self-check capability




LMY/SLJ 04.01.09



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