A-蛋白核酸染色检测试剂 货号:


      sensitivity ex./em.
product code no. use per band  
total protein detection   gle   wavelength(nm)
PlusOne Coomassie Blue R-350 tablets 17-0518-01 gle 0.1-0.5ug  
PlusOne Slcer Staining kit 17-0518-01 gle 0.1-0.4ng n/a
SYPRO Orange Protein Gel stain RPN5801 gle 1-2ng n/a
SYPRO Red Protein gel stain RPN5803 gle 1-2ng 300,470/570
SYPRO Tangerine RPN5805  gle 4-8ng 300 550/630
Ponceau sodium salt(Protein Gel stain) US32819-50G nitrocellulose,PVDF 10ug 300,490/640
Anido Black US32819-100G nitrocellulose,PVDF 1.5ug n/a
AuoDye Fore Kit RPN490 nitrocellulose,PVDF 4ng n/a
total nucleic acid deteciton     n/a
Plus One Ethidium Bromide 17-1328-01  gel  50ng 300
plusOne DNA Silver Staining Kit 17-6000-30 gel  20-50ng n/a
Vistra Green Nucleic Acid Stiain RPN5786 gel 20ng 488/530


      sensitivity ex./em.
product code no. use per band wavelengty(nm)
specific target protein detection        
ECLTMWestern Blotting system(Luminol) RPN2108 nitrocellulose,PVDF 1pg n/a
ECL Plus Detection Reagents(Lumigen PS-3) RPN2132+RPN2124 nitrocellulose,PVDF 0.05pg n/a
ECLTMWestern Blotting system(Luminol) RPN5780 PVDF 1pg 440,560
BCIP/NBT(Colorimetric) US12387-1g/US19535-500mg nitrocellulose,PVDF 100pg n/a
specific target DNA detection
Gene images Random Prime and Labelling(Dioxetance) RPN3500/RPN5776 nylon 0.06pg n/a
ECL Random Prime and 3-ENDLabilling(Luminol) RPN3030/RPN2131 nylon 0.35pg n/a
ECF Random Prime(Fluorescence) RPN5752 nylon 0.25pg 440,560
BCIP/NBT(Colorimetric) US12387-1g/US19535-500mg nylon 1pg n/a


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电话:(010)51666084、82782460/1/2/3/4、62980532/3/4/5 、62985954、62981252、Email: binzhang@midwest.com.cn;zxqc92003@yahoo.com.cn