HC23- DY89-1 型电动玻璃匀浆机

    On principle of grinding, the system is designed to make even tissues of both animals or plants in a soft manner, so as to obtain cell pastes and cytochondria needed in lab work. It is used in the fields of biology, medicine and agriculture.

主要技术参数 Main Technical parameters:

速度 Rotating Speed: 50-1500R/M 连续可调
最大功率 Max Power: 120W
匀浆瓶规格 Bottle Size: 10ml 20ml 随机
可供选购件 Optional Size: 1ml、3ml、5ml、50ml

                  地址:北京市海淀区上地四街一号中西集团公司(100085        E-mail bzhang@midwest.com.cn      
主页地址:www.midwest.com.cn     电话:00-86-10-62980532/33/34/35        传真:00-86-10-62981256